
Rudolph Clarke Attorneys “Fundamental in Construction” of Bensalem School District Teachers Contract!

"The whole process, that has never been done in Bensalem history..., settling a contract way ahead of time. With an agreement that benefits the Township, the School District and the teachers. The whole process was respectful and cordial..."
Eric Price
President, Bensalem Township School District
"Peter Amuso was fundamental in the construction of this contract!"
George Daka,
President, Bensalem Township Education Association

Our firm’s labor negotiation philosophy can be summed up in one word: respect. We are clear on our clients’ priorities at the bargaining table, while showing respect for the union on the other side. And at client after client, that philosophy pays off with labor peace in places with histories of strikes and contentious bargaining.

Our latest proud example is the Bensalem Township School District, where firm Partner Peter Amuso lead negotiations with the Bensalem Township Education Association for early negotiations in September. For the first time in over 20 years, the District was able to achieve significant language changes while giving teachers the pay they deserve, ensuring labor peace in BTSD for the next five years.

Then firm attorney Greg Heleniak worked closely with union leadership in a long-overdue complete revision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

This past Tuesday, this CBA was signed by the BTEA President and the School Board President, over 30 days ahead of schedule. Before signing the new CBA, the union president singled out the school board leadership, and us, for our efforts in the successful negotiation. We are proud to support the critical relationship between the Bensalem Township School District and their teachers.